Saturday, 21 March 2015

Laughter, the greatest revenge for anger. Give it a try it will increase your face value !!!

Ignite the spark of Laughter!!

Laugh and be merry. Laughter is the best medicine. Laugh everyday and you live longer. It’s so good to hear and advice people on laughter. But how much do we as adults actually implement it? Children have an inbuilt machine which makes them giggle and laugh at the slightest provocation. So why does that machine malfunction or get unplugged after a certain age?

I feel, laughter is one of the strongest emotions which every human is blessed with and needs to hold on to it tightly for a better and healthy living. We don’t need to imprison ourselves in adulthood. It’s fine to laugh our heart out and also make others laugh with witty sense of humour. It is the best and cheapest medicine one can pop in for distressing (does not need a doctor’s prescription too).

If we change our attitude and prespective towards life in general, have frequent occasions to laugh and remain optimistically in good humour, we shall surely be able to overcome many of our physical and mental ailments. Spending quality time with friends and family, laughing spontaneously will rejuvenate us by flushing out toxins from our body.



If a little kitten can we too can!!


A healthy state of mind and a cheerful attitude helps to solve many problems and makes one fit to take on life’s innumerable depressions and, perhaps, come out triumphantly.

So what are we all waiting for, board the flight of joy and happiness. Fasten your LAUGHTER BELTS and zoom away into the fresh air of liveliness and pungency.


Remember that life plunges into the ocean of different challenges and it meets different sharks and whales in the form of sadness, problems and sorrows. Meet your near and dear ones, share some light moments and trust me, you might not always get a solution to your problem but yes little bit of laughter will enhance your spirit towards life and take you towards the shore safely.


Laughter is highly contagious and nontaxable so generously spread it round the globe. Pack in your laughter right now into your carry bag and take it along wherever you go, it’s definitely not too heavy to carry along , WHAT SAY !!!

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